We enjoy hearing our ham friends like Jerry are having fun on all the bands. He has the 28' DX Flagpole Antenna and works Real DX from 160-10M. Just look at that DX map from PSKreporter! Looking good, Jerry!
Jerry, NC7U writes in:
"the band conditions have been bad but the good news is that the 28' flagpole is working much better than I expected. With the EFLW, could only work the pacific and rarely heard Europe.
Have a snapshot of just a few minutes using WSJT-X (FT8) and pskreporter. You may use the picture on the web if you like."

Are you ready to work Real DX on all bands, all over the planet, like Jerry? Ham Radio is fun again.
If you have any other questions, please let us know. Always happy to talk on the phone too!
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Ham Radio is fun again!
Greyline Performance \| DX Antennas