Ladder Line, Twin Lead, Window Line vs. Coax

Why ladder line? First, to be clear, plug your coax into the antenna system just like any other antenna. That said, yes, we use a segment of ladder line within the feed line kit area of the antenna at this time. We have evolved to the fact that ladder line is likely the best option, offering the lowest possible loss. Check out what the ARRL Handbook says about this:

Please recognize that an antenna need not be resonant in order to be an effective radiator. There is in fact nothing magic about having a resonant antenna, provided of course that you can devise some efficient means to feed the antenna. Many amateurs use non-resonant (even random-length) antennas fed with open-wire transmission lines and antenna tuners. They radiate signals just as well as those using coaxial cable and resonant antennas, and as a bonus they usually can use these antenna systems on multiple frequency bands.

—ARRL Antenna Book, Ch. 2

The Greyline Feed-line Kit comes with a short piece of ladder line. The end-user will connect their coax from the radio shack to the adapter available at the end of this Feedline Kit, at the base of the Antenna. It's a standard (high quality, of course!) SO-239/PL-259 coax connector.

Therefore, it's plug-and-play. We found using coax was problematic several years ago and swapped this out for ladder line which is much more resistant to failure whether its water damage or RF issues that arise in antenna feed line systems.

On the topic of coax to the shack, we recommend using LMR 400. It's the best bang for your buck in our opinion (and feedback from many customers). You can buy this cut to length with your choice of connectors installed. Simply call Janet at HRO: 714-533-7373. She's amazing and will have it cut and shipped to your door super quick. Please say hello from us at Greyline!

Length of Coax: There is no need to find a matching length of coax with our DX Flagpole Antenna or HF Vertical Antenna systems. This can be insured by our urgency for you to use an RF Choke. This will squelch common mode current, the main concern in such "coax matching length" discussions. You can use home brew RF Choking, any number of 1:1 Current Baluns on the market, or consider ours. We offer 500W and 3500W Military Grade RF Chokes on our website.

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